What to do and Not to Do When You are Having a Cheat Meal
Most of us like to eat. And sometimes, when we are invited a tour friends’ house we don’t know what to do in front of all this food.
Should we eat a lot? Should we respect our diet?
Whatever your choice is, they are some key principles concerning cheat meals, if you do not want to get fat or be in a bad health.
1# Do Not Eat Too Much of It
When you are having a cheat meal, the key is not to eat to eat. Yes, of course you can eat whatever you want. But this doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you want. There is a big difference between the diversity and the quantity
And unfortunately, as we often like to eat in large quantity, the limit can be reached easily, especially if you are drinking sugar beverages, like fruit juice or sodas.
What i do recommend you is: eat what you want, but try at least not to fill your plate completely.
2# Eat very little (or do fasting) for the Following Meal
If you had a very good meal, full of calories, you really have to pay attention for the meal that follows it.
Don’t eat like a lion or a caveman all day long, or you will definitely pack a lot of fat.
The best thing you can do, is intermittent fasting. Just eat your cheat day, and then fast for at least a 12 hour period. Drink a lot of water during the whole day.
If you are heavy about your weight you can check out my article about how to lose weight fast easily which spoken by David Michigan included lot of things about eating and fitness building protocol and alternatives of 5 Best Yoga Poses for Beginners.
3# Don’t have Cheat Meals Everyday
What I am telling you seems obvious, and yet more and more people tend to have cheat meals every day. Some even have a cheat week.
It is not just about getting fatter. It is also related about your health. Being fat and being healthy are two separate things, even if of course they can be linked together.
You can be slim and still be in a very bad health. So pay attention.
Also, the more cheat meals you have, the more you will crave for it. Sugar is, for example, one of the brain’s favorite drugs. The more sugar you eat, the more reward mechanism you send to your brain, the more it will crave for it.
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