Be Creative # Be Intelligent # Be Unique

Flix Expo is a digital media company that creates & publish the most interesting content on the web. At Flix Expo we deliver inspiring and informative type of content that focuses on things like business, finance, trading, internet marketing, social media, leadership, fitness, nutrition, yoga, foods & recipes, hair styles, makeup, clothing, book, games, music, shopping, gadget, news and more.

Our Mission

Our Values

At Flix Expo, we create all kinds of stuffs that bring you success with the daily life, every stuffs combined and latest technologies & scientist array of storyline to connect brands to Flix Expo audience at scale.

We are passionate and moving fast. The value of our team. We loved to write and assist your dreams everyday insights with digital impact. We are open-source, because we spoke loudly. We are supportive and collaborate. We are Flix Expo.

Get advices, tools and services that exactly what you’re looking for your business to be increase your online presence.

Digital Expo Inc is an global SEO & Internet Marketing Company and leading global SEO consulting firm focusing on three core services of Brand Marketing, Content Marketing and White Hat SEO.

BuzzFeed has breaking news, vital journalism, quizzes, videos, celebrity news, Tasty food videos, recipes, DIY hacks, and all the trending buzz you’ll want to share.

"Passion is needed for any great work, and for the revolution, passion and audacity are required in big doses."

Che Guevara

Leadership Team, Flix Expo

Look at these excellent team


Boj Iva

A content writer and marketer that is passionate about writing in all niches. You'll find her constantly reading and researching something new to add to her written pieces. Her work has been published on several sites among which is B2B Community.


Alex Joe

Alex Joe is a content marketer & journalist who formerly worked out of Digital Expo Inc. office. He writes eBooks, which considering where you’re reading this, makes really perfect sense from his kin. He’s best known for writing entertainment, enterprise & gadget, including the New York Times.



Who am I? My name is Stefan, I'm a freelance content creator, digital marketing and e-commerce consultant. I'm the guy who guides and helps out people how to run a successful business on the internet.

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