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How to Start a Food Blog and Make It the Most Delicious Place Online



With so many tasty foods out there, the number of people interested in running a successful food blog is increasing. They want to capture the essence of their meals and transfer their knowledge connected to cooking and food in general to the wide audiences. This brings up the question ‘How to start a food blog?’

Since the internet is full of popular blogs and sites discussing food topics, it can be tougher to squeeze in and rise on the top. However, it’s definitely possible when you invest a lot of effort and time in your online delicious spot. And here we have all the technical and creative solutions you need in order to immerse yourself in this field of expertise and begin blogging about food.

How to Start a Food Blog

Black frying pan with spaghetti sauce near brown wooden ladle and ripe tomatoes/ © Pexels Image

Start a Food blog in Six Essentials for Success

  1. Choose a Specific Niche about foods
  2. Select the right domain name and Web Hosting
  3. Install and optimize WordPress
  4. Install the right Plugins
  5. Create useful content about delicious foods
  6. Promote your blog

1) Choose a Specific Niche about foods

Many bloggers tend to generalize the topics and publish everything they know. However, it’s more impactful to pick a specific field and write posts in it. That’s why blogs on chosen niches always have higher chances of success, especially when it comes to food.

This is due to the simple reason that there are numerous types of foods and ways to prepare them based on people’s tastes. As not everyone eats everything, you should target a group of people and write about what they’re interested in reading.

For instance, you can go for vegan or carbon-free meals, frugal cooking tips, sharing your favorite recipes and all other things you can remember. The more to the point they are, the more people your blog will attract. In this case, you have to decide what type of food blog you want to start before pick the domain and hosting.

2) Select the Domain Name and Web hosting

After you’ve picked the main topic you’ll write about, it’s time to focus on naming your blog and buying a domain. The same as companies, blogs can be easily recognized by their names.


When people search for food blogs online, they should be able to spot yours right away and know what it’s about. For this purpose, it’s important to come up with a name relevant to food that’ll be catchy, memorable, and not too long. Try to be creative with it and incorporate words that truly describe what you’re writing about.

Aside from this, you should consider purchasing your very own domain. While a lot of blogs are run on free platforms like Weebly or Blogger, the successful ones have a unique domain that can be obtained through a paid web host. For example, Bluehost is a popular hosting service with affordable packages and WordPress support that’s suitable for new bloggers.

3) Install and Optimize WordPress

Nowadays, WordPress is the blogging software most blogs utilize. This is because it’s very simple and everyone can find their way around it easily. You don’t even need a professional web developer.

It should be installed on your hosting account and optimized to fit your preferences. Since it provides a lot of free themes, features, and options, you can manage the blog at all times. Just make sure you pick a theme in accordance with the content you publish. For one, if your posts are longer and take up more space, don’t clutter the pages with additional call-to-action buttons and advertisements.

Also, you should choose a theme that’s related to food, so comb through the library carefully and type the word ‘food’ in the search bar for relevant results.


4) Install the Right Plugins

To increase the popularity of your blog and maximize its efficiency and the overall experience, there are a lot of plugins that can be installed. WordPress has a collection of more than fifty-three thousand plugins that serve for all types of purposes.

Some of the vital ones you should check out are:

  • Yoast SEO – This one is used for leading a successful SEO strategy and implementing the needed keyword density, linking as well as other tactics that’ll boost your ranking on the search engines.
  • Akismet–With this tool, you can filter your comments and make sure nothing that’s spam is visible to your visitors. This way you won’t appear as unprofessional.
  • WP Super Cache–This pluginis responsible for caching the site ad putting HTMLs that are simpler and enable a faster loading speed.
  • Easy Recipe – As a specific plugin for the food niche, it allows adding and printing recipes, and makes them optimized for the search engines.

5) Create useful content about delicious foods

I’m also a good cooker and loved to cook every holiday. But do you know how to cook properly? If you don’t know how to cook within the recipes so how can you provide useful information on your article? You must know about cooking and perfectly about food recipes, so that you can provide proper guide to your blog readers.

When you’re done with the technical aspect, you should start paying great attention to the thing that matters most – the content. After all, your posts are the real fuel that drives your food blog forward.

That’s why they should be in a high quality and contain information and visuals that’ll grab the readers’ attention convincing them to come back for more. There are numerous types of posts that you can publish, starting from evergreens to the most current food trends. You can even post recipes that you know and help others cook them. This is a very popular topic today.

However, to determine which types work best for your audience, you should do a quick research and discover your target readers.


Afterward, it all gets down to your writing skills and making the text as natural and relatable as possible. The users should feel like you’re addressing them directly while reading your content, so focus on using a style that’s not overly professional and distancing.

Moreover, the posts will look more appealing to the readers if they have visuals. Sites like Pexels and Pixabay are perfect for finding copyright-free images that you can include between the text. It’s even better to take pictures of the meals you’re writing about yourself. Mostly, people do this when publishing recipes.

6) Promote Your Blog

Running a blog doesn’t mean you’ll have thousands of fans and readers flooding your web pages to engage with your content. On the contrary, they, first, have to find out that you exist. And that’s another battle altogether.

With so many strategies and promotional campaigns out there, it can be a tough one to settle on just one thing. That’s why we’ll list some of the most common things you can do to attract more people and increase the readership.

You can’t always rely on search engine optimization to do all the work. One action you can take is open social media profiles. Since we’re talking about a food blog, Pinterest and Instagram are a must. Also, let’s not forget Facebook, Twitter and the rest. There you can post all of your attractive photos food lovers wouldn’t resist, share your posts, engage with fellow followers, talk about recipes, and so on and so on.


Spare a thought on your email marketing campaign since it’s proven as very efficient when it comes to promotion. Everyone has an email nowadays, right?

Some other forms of promotion are guest posts, putting links, reaching out to influencers in the food blogging niche, and frequent posting.

If you wondering how to start, you can check out my previous written 3 blogging strategies, where you can start your blogging journey perfectly with us:

  1. Start a successful blog
  2. Start a fashion blog
  3. Start a business blog

Stay on Flix Expo to discover more blogging tips and ways to start and run your own blog!

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