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The Traditional Bundhosen: Dress like a Local at Oktoberfest



Oktoberfest in Munich is undoubtedly a warm-hearted, welcoming celebration of the seasonal beers of Bavaria, but the thing is, it is not just a 17 days long escapade of nonstop drinking! Oktoberfest is the world’s largest folk festival and an integral component of the Bavarian identity. Although beer takes the center stage during such festivities in Germany and other parts of the globe, Oktoberfest is also about the traditional costumes or traditional bundhosen of Bavaria and hearty foods.

Traditional Bundhosen

© Pexels Photo

Yes, across the globe, grub and garb remain the strongest markers of the cultural Bavarian identity. Even though it is, true that in a world that is all about globalization, where we eat McDonald’s and wear jeans; Oktoberfest is a celebration that welcomes millions of visitors from all over the planet. All these visitors are welcome to participate in the historic, rich, and traditional merriment of Bavaria.

The Outfits of Oktoberfest: Bundhosen and Dirndl

Bundhosen and dirndl are two costumes that have become synonymous with Munich’s Oktoberfest, but their origins remain humble. Bundhosen was once the classic, traditional garb fieldworkers wore. The dirndl, however, was the typical uniform house cleaners (women) wore. As years passed by, the upper class soon adopted these peasant styles and transformed them into more elite, leisure, and festive attires.


Oktoberfest Campsite in Munich, Germany ©

When it comes to the options in Lederhosenforsale and wearing these costumes today, people in Austria, Germany as well as other countries adore dirndl and bundhosen more like a form of old nostalgic kitsch.

When planning a trip to attend Oktoberfest, if you find yourself worrying over the thought donning the traditional German bundhosen or peasant garb is something that people will interpret as offensive, you are wrong! The fact is that Bavarians love to share their traditional Tracht with all foreigners and it common to see Germans and people with no Bavarian heritage don these costumes at Oktoberfest.

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As you attend Oktoberfest, you are likely to see more bundhosen as the street fashion on tourists and locals alike. In fact, if you decide to wear regular jeans, you will probably stand out as the odd one!

Bundhosen: The Classic Breeches

The classic bundhosen are short breeches (lederhosen are the Knee-length versions), made out of suede leather, featuring suspenders and worn over a collared or a checkered shirt. The material of authentic bundhosen features genuine tanned deer leather, which makes them highly durable. Other contemporary versions consist of synthetic materials such as corduroy, velour and cow leather.


Classic bundhosen also feature decorative buttons and embroidery. When dressed up properly, a complete bundhosen costume could also include accessories like a wide-brimmed hat with gamsbart or feathers, matching vest or a neck scarf. Traditionally the shoes that men wear with bundhosen are the Haferl, which have embroidered details and side laces. However, if you wish to add a contemporary touch, you can always pair your costume with boots, sneakers or any shoe style you prefer.

Let the Show Begin!

Bavaria is a spectacular city and has a welcoming and hearty character that makes it one of Germany’s most cherished tourism regions. Certainly, the warm-hearted nature of Bavarian culture leaves a strong impression on the rest of the world, with countries and cities around the globe holding their own versions of the local Oktoberfest. They celebrate this with the same food, costumes and of course, beer!

Regardless of whether the thought of wearing such peasant costumes and drinking hundreds of pints of beer and solid carbs is something that sounds silly to you when you step in the beer tents during Oktoberfest, the spirit there is undeniably contagious! Within no time, you will also find yourself linking arms with other merrymakers, dancing back and forth to a Bavarian folk song.

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Ayan is working as Content Strategist. He is a Beauty Blogger, health Blogger and public speaker. His goal is to educate people about various health conditions, beauty and about wedding trends and the top tips and tricks. he is a passionate writer.

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