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Retro Living Room Ideas for the Modern Home



Vintage has made a comeback, and if you decided to decorate your room with items that look like they are from a classic movie set, that means you’re in need of some ideas on how to jazz up your (presumably) modern home with some retro details.

Start with your kitchen 


Kitchens usually don’t come up first when we talk about decorating. Most people focus on living rooms or bedrooms, whereas kitchens should be equally important since we cook, eat and, overall, spend a lot of time there. If you’re starting from scratch, then having a vintage kitchen shelf is a must. It’ll make your kitchen look homely and welcoming. Additionally, you can get an old-school retro fridge and add extra charm to your kitchen.

Add a color… or two

Daring to have bold colors is definitely more a thing of the past, but luckily, it’s slowly getting back into fashion. Trends have changed in the last 30 years, where minimalist design and neutral colors replaced lively and vivid. Our parents were definitely bolder since they had no qualms about adding bright colors or unique patterns to their living space. A bright yellow couch matched with purple pillows? They just did it and it looked really good. So, follow their footsteps and start adding and mixing those colors!

Decide on an era 


Before we choose the right retro details, it’s important to focus on a specific era, at least each for one room or part of a house. When we think “vintage”, we think old. Anything that looks just enough outdated to make it pass as fashionable. But we also tend to look past as one big whole, forgetting that each decade has its own distinct trends, habits and aesthetic. So finding the right fit for you could seem a little hard, but fret not – there are countless magazines, photos and movies where you can find what’s just for you. Whether it’s adding a vinyl record player from the 1950s as a statement piece or a 60s sofa – you have to do it carefully and with taste. That way, you avoid mixing of styles and eras that otherwise would not go together.

Make it oriental 


The middle-eastern style is never the wrong choice since it can add a touch of exoticness to your living space. Sitting on the floor is a thing in the Muslim world so having floor pillows can make your room (and you, as well) seem more laidback and relaxed. Having lanterns and colorful Moroccan rugs will help you infuse your room with traditional oriental details and create a different vibe.

Pop culture is always a good choice 


If you get stuck with coming up with new ideas – just remember your favorite childhood movies or music. Find a retro movie poster framed and hang it in your living room. Whether it’s Casablanca, The Chinatown or Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffany’s, it’s guaranteed that a dash of old Hollywood or some Andy Warhol will bring a whole new atmosphere to your space. If you’re a music fan, add some of your favorite records on a shelf or frame your beloved album covers and use them instead of paintings.

Check your favorite thrift shops and flea markets

It goes without saying but it won’t hurt to stress it – the best way to find unique vintage furniture and decorations is to arm yourself with patience and start cruising all the thrift stores and flea markets in your area. Chances are you will find extremely rare or, even valuable pieces that you can use to beautify your home. Instead of spending a fortune on boring vases and paintings, use that money to buy something special.

Don’t be afraid to experiment

Being willing to try out uncommon details is what separates creatives from those who just blindly follow trends. So let your imagination go wild and add things you otherwise wouldn’t. Antique books, a typewriter, an old looking TV set or a vintage radio. Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to mix styles, but do it skillfully. If you have a friend who’s into interior design, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Soon, your home will have a totally different look!

Derek Lotts is a Sydney based writer and researcher, a regular contributor at Smooth Decorator blog. He writes about décor, gardening, recycling, ecology and business. He thinks all of these topics fall under the self-improvement category. He believes in the power of sharing ideas and communicating via the internet to achieve betterment.

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