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9 Gorgeous Architectural Design Trends to Explore



Before, architectural trends used to evolve really slowly, but since we’ve just lived through a majorly disruptive period of time due to COVID-19, we can expect architecture to pick up the pace and show us new design influences emerging in 2021. However, the architecture of today is not only affected by what is popular and recurrent but also what is relevant and substantial, so we can expect a colorful mix of aesthetically pleasing trends that are green, sustainable, practical and human-centric. Want to stay in the loop with what’s going on in the world of architecture? Here are the most prominent trends to explore:

Biophilia continues to thrive

Humans have an innate understanding and love of nature, so we have already developed a biophilic trend that connects our indoor spaces with the outside world. Large expanses of glass allow us to connect with nature, especially since we still need to be confined to our internal spaces. Planters on building facades provide greenery to all levels of a building, not just the ground level. Also, internal gardens (no matter if in the shape of a courtyard or green walls) additionally support this green construction trend.

Green homes evolve

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Eco-friendliness is more important today than ever before. Architects, investors, buyers and renters are all more than willing to adopt new building technologies and passive methods to make the world a little more sustainable. Green buildings are getting sustainable material palettes (mainly local materials that reduce transportation pollution) and green roofs. Green roofs with plantation space have the potential to become the biggest trend in the upcoming years.

Passive design principles are also becoming more mainstream and are being adopted by more and more homeowners who appreciate the low-cost living and environmental benefits this type of design offers. Passive buildings have many factors you should consider from strategic site selection to proper building orientation that will maximize illumination and ventilation and minimize energy waste. Practical materials and construction techniques also play a role in passive design, especially when it comes to reduction of heat/cool waste and comfort (the latter is extra important since we’re forced to spend so much time at home lately).

Better interior planning

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One of the biggest changes the COVID-19 pandemic brought to architecture concerns the layout of our homes. Some places in our homes were designed to be used only a few times a week, and suddenly, we’re using them every day, so some changes to the design will need to be invented.

Also, multipurpose spaces will steal the spotlight. Since we need indoor space to take care of certain functions that we used to do at work or outside, additional areas will also be required.

Modular building

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Today, we need new buildings fast. With COVID-19, we realized that there’s no time for wasting on complicated building processes. In some cases (like with hospitals or testing centers) we need new buildings in a matter of months, even weeks. Luckily, the construction of a modular building can cut your overall project time by 40%. And don’t think reduced construction time is achieved by cutting corners! Most modular buildings are designed by experts and need to pass rigorous quality controls before they welcome users.

Innovative facades


With many new dynamic and modular forms becoming more popular, and thanks to software technology that makes them easy to manage on the construction scale, we can see a new series of façade development. While modular panels aren’t anything new in interior design, they are now breaking into the exterior design, and we can expect to see them in many upcoming projects. Thanks to the approachable technology and easy installation methods, every building can have a completely customizable look.

Smart homes

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Both new buildings and rehabilitated ones are getting fitted with smart tech. In the past, smart technology was only used to reduce chores or improve the quality of living by monitoring indoor parameters. However, today, touchless technology is being integrated into more and more components so we have audio-controlled devices, sensors for fixtures, smart safety features, etc. Domotic architecture is also a reflection of our social awareness, care for the environment and the effort to consume smarter and cleaner.

New materials

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Steel has always been one of the most efficient design materials, but it was not often used in residential architecture, especially not where it can be visible. However, steel constructions will take the limelight in the upcoming years. This material is efficient and sustainable, and its speedy construction technology allows it to stand out as a cost-effective material. So we can expect to see many small/medium-scale projects in this palette. Keep an eye on exposed steel structures in 2021.

City redevelopment

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City redevelopment is one of those trends that make us stop and think about what we’re doing with our development patterns. Since the industry is redeveloping cities and buildings left and right, it’s one of the biggest trends for 2021. However, this trend should make us all reconsider the losses we’re going to experience. If exploited (aiming for profits at the expense of residents and communities) this trend can change city living as we know it, and not in a good way.

Small social spaces

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Smart cities and city redevelopment are on the rise, so many public spaces are getting a makeover since they make a huge impact on city livability and an overall development aspect of urban settlements. Well-designed and rectified public areas allow residents to connect, interact and relax in a peaceful and relaxing environment. More and more concrete areas, parking lots and other unused spaces are being turned into small parks, rest stops and playgrounds for kids. While this trend is not working well during the pandemic when we’re all supposed to stay inside and avoid public spaces, in the long run, it offers great benefits to residents, developers and investors.

COVID-19 was horrible for most industries, but architecture managed to turn something negative into a positive and bless us with many new trends. Keep an eye on these aforementioned ones, and you will soon start seeing them wherever you turn.

Derek Lotts is a Sydney based writer and researcher, a regular contributor at Smooth Decorator blog. He writes about décor, gardening, recycling, ecology and business. He thinks all of these topics fall under the self-improvement category. He believes in the power of sharing ideas and communicating via the internet to achieve betterment.

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