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6 Awesome Ways to Turn Pet Photos Into Paintings



Changing pictures into paintings is a trend that many people have adopted over the past few years. This conversion not only emphasizes the photos’ beauty but also makes them look more divine. Transforming photos to paintings is a technique that can be applied to family photos, pet photos, school pictures, and much more.

In the past, if you wanted to turn a picture into a painting, your only option would be to hire a painter, but with today’s endless software and online websites such as Instapainting, this task has become more viable. In fact, most of their customer reviews are from individuals who insist they got cool stuff from Instapainting and would recommend them to people seeking to convert their pet photos to paintings.

However, there are also other options for turning your pet photos into paintings. With a few supplies, you can even do it yourself. That said, continue reading this article to learn how you can transform your pet photos into paintings.

What Supplies Would You Need

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If you decide to take on this task yourself, you would need to have a clear, well-lit photo of your pet and a few art supplies that can be found at an arts and crafts store or a distinct department store. They include:

●     A printer

●     An artboard, art paper, or any other surface you can paint on

●     A 6B (soft) art pencil

●     A paintbrush

●     Acrylic craft paint

●     A paint palette or a sheet of wax paper

How to Turn Pet Photos Into Paintings



1.   Prepare the Background

Choose a color and paint it on the entire background of your art paper and give it time to dry. Since your final painting will consist of a single color, shadows and highlights, go for a color that contrasts with black and would look lovely hanging from your wall.

2.   Edit Your Pet’s Photo

This is the most delicate step of this project. Ensure that you use a photo of your pet with high contrast, strong shadows, and an easily recognizable image. Then use a photo editing software program like Microsoft Office Picture Manager to:

●     Crop the photo so that your pet’s appearance covers the entire frame

●     Convert the picture’s color to black and white

●     Enhance the picture’s contrast

●     Adjust the brightness, mid-tones, and highlights

●     Create a mirror image of the original by flipping the photo horizontally

3.   Print Out the Photo

You may need to print the photo on multiple sheets of paper depending on the size of your painting. Once you have printed out the image, carefully analyze it to make sure you didn’t lose many details while you were editing. If you are satisfied with the outcome, move on to darkening the outline with your art pencil.

4.   Outline and Transfer Your Photo

When outlining the dominant shadows on your pet’s photo, make sure you include the aspects of your pet by making features such as eyes, ears, and wrinkled foreheads more detailed. Once you are done, place the picture, face down, on your art paper to transfer your outline onto it.

Hold your printed image firmly against your art paper and begin rubbing the graphite from your outline onto your canvas using the blunt end of a paintbrush. This technique leaves a perfect sketch of your outline on your art paper for you to paint over.

5.   Paint Your Pet

Start by redrawing the pencil lines of your painting with a pen or marker to emphasize the parameters. Then, color in the lines to bring life to your pet’s image.

6.   Touch Up

As you do your final touches, you can add some optional flourish to enhance your pet’s features further or decorate the simple background. Give your painting time to completely dry before signing it.

Make the Most of Your Pet Photos With Other Options

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By following the procedure outlined above, you can make the conversion all by yourself. However, if you find it hard to carry out this project, you can resort to online options such as apps and websites that make turning photos into paintings their core business. Explore all your options to determine which one represents the best approach for you.

Derek Lotts is a Sydney based writer and researcher, a regular contributor at Smooth Decorator blog. He writes about décor, gardening, recycling, ecology and business. He thinks all of these topics fall under the self-improvement category. He believes in the power of sharing ideas and communicating via the internet to achieve betterment.

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