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5 Expert Remedies for Long Luscious Hair



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Every girl dreams of different things, but one thing that’s a constant is wanting long, thick, luscious hair. Hair trends come and go, but shiny, long hair is always a fail-proof option that’ll have you looking ethereal and stunning, as hair is one of the most important factors when creating your own visual style. However, making your way to Rapunzel-esque hair is no easy task, and it certainly isn’t something you can accomplish overnight. A combination of genes and lifestyle practices can influence your hair’s condition and how fast it grows. Heat damage, hormones, or just bad genes can make your hair dry, brittle, and weak, apart from impeding growth. There are multitudes of products on the shelves that swear to give you shiny, lustrous hair after a single wash. However, most of these products promise more than they can deliver. The sad truth is there’s no magic product to give you smooth, long hair overnight. What you can do, however, is incorporate these five tips into your daily routine. Healthy hair equals longer hair, so start following these tips today for healthier hair.

Take hair supplements

Your diet influences your skin, vitality, and your hair health is no exception. Your food intake plays a critical role in maintaining your hair quality, including how fast it grows and how much hair-fall you have. If you see bunches of hair fall out every time you run a brush through your hair, it might be a sign to check your diet. Healthy, lustrous hair is one of the biggest trends this year, with lockdown giving many of us more time to spend on self-care. Many of the hair predictions for this year emphasize the importance of shiny, thick, natural hair. So, take supplements like biotin, selenium, or zinc to improve your hair quality. These supplements won’t just enhance your hair but can help your skin, nails, and hair look better than ever before. Besides supplements, consider incorporating vitamin-rich foods into your diet for hair that puts Rapunzel aside.

Sleep on a silk pillowcase

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If you experience hair sticking up from all corners in the morning, you might need to switch your pillowcase. Regular pillowcases can aggravate even the healthiest of hair and cause knots and roughness. Instead, opt for a luxurious silk pillowcase. Silk has a smooth texture that not only allows your hair to glide over it easily but also doesn’t absorb moisture from your hair. Women with curly hair use silk pillowcases to keep frizz and tangles at bay. So, be a little kinder on your hair and swap your cotton bed covers and pillowcases for a luxe, silken cover instead.

Who knew that the secret to long, luscious hair would be a good night’s sleep?

Scalp massages

Scalp massages are a huge part of Asian cultures. It is understandable if we look at the luscious, thick hair that many Asian women have. Scalp massages are a direct way to stimulate your follicles. Scalp massage increases the blood flow to your scalp, ensuring that your follicles get more nutrients. It can help minimize any hair fall. Scalp massages are also incredibly cost-effective. You will need a moisturizing hair oil and someone willing to massage it in for you. Almond oil, hibiscus oil, jojoba oil, argan oil, and mustard seed oil can work wonders on your hair and leave it looking fresh, shiny, and frizz-free. Not only are scalp massages cost-effective and relaxing, but they can also give you excellent results in just a few weeks.

Homemade hair masks

Homemade hair masks are easily one of the most effective ways for you to nurture your dry, damaged hair back to health. Your regular conditioners often have long and complicated ingredient lists full of chemicals that can do more harm than good. If you’re experiencing breakage and dryness, try a homemade hair mask to give your scalp the extra TLC it needs. You can make the mask with ingredients you have in your pantry. Mayonnaise, coconut oil, avocado, and egg are excellent for your hair. These masks can give you a deep conditioning treatment, unlike any other. Using homemade masks once or twice a week can revitalize your hair and help them grow much faster.

Skip the heat

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Hot tools can make your hair look stunning. Sadly, that’s just a short-term thing. In the long run, hot tools can damage your hair immensely. Over styling is one of the most common reasons for dry, damaged, and burnt hair. Styling your hair too often will give you split ends and make your hair look frizzy. However, heat damage isn’t irreversible. Cutting back on styling can help you put your hair on the road to recovery. As new hair grows, you can replace the dry, damaged hair with undamaged locks.

Supplement this tip with the ones mentioned above, and you can quickly restore your hair’s strength and vitality.


You don’t need thousands of dollars to nurse your hair back to health. Incorporating these cost-effective expert remedies into your daily hair care routine can help you get shiny, lustrous locks in no time. No matter your genetics, these tips can help you get longer, thicker hair in a flash.

Derek Lotts is a Sydney based writer and researcher, a regular contributor at Smooth Decorator blog. He writes about décor, gardening, recycling, ecology and business. He thinks all of these topics fall under the self-improvement category. He believes in the power of sharing ideas and communicating via the internet to achieve betterment.

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