Social Media Optimization
Social Media – The 4 Best Tips to Grow Your Twitter in 2017

In Social Media everyone that is just starting to work on their Social Media pages and gets a bit of following wonders how did the big guys do it, the ones that got thousands upon thousands or even million of followers. What are their secrets?
Social Media Question #1. Everyone questions themselves how the big and successful guys did it “Do they follow a special guideline? How do they know what works and doesn’t work? What are they doing that is so different and effective?” These are just some of the questions that the newbies ask and try to find the answers for. Today we’ll talk about Twitter and how you can get the followers you need if you follow these tips.
When you deal with Social Media always have and create a posting strategy.
Why does it matter? Being consistent when posting is mandatory if you want to build up a following and keep your audience active and engaged.
Posting fresh and relevant content is a sure way to not lose you audience. One of the things that people abuse in this strategy is posting too often, thus flooding your audience feed. Spamming will get you unfollowed pretty quickly. Besides being consistent and quality posting do a bit of research and find out what is the best time to post for your audience.
Another great way to build your Social Media Twitter following is to follow real legitimate accounts and share their content.
It works both ways, also if you want to get followed you have to have something to show so avoid having an empty account. Fill up what are your interests, write a contact info, what do you work, what is your passion etc. These are just few of things that you can do so similar minded people will follow your easier.
Read more about social media marketing in 2017.
Make Image content your Social Media secret weapon.
Images are the most likeable content format on Twitter besides the written message form, why is that? Through many Twitter researches it’s been shown that Images get a lot more engagement, tweets with images uploaded to them on Twitter are twice as likely to be retweeted. Few of the tips for using Images are that you can use them to squeeze in more characters, don’t cross-platform link images, rather upload them on Twitter yourself this way Twitter will boost your exposure naturally, avoid posting offensive images and post helpful,positive and inspiring pictures that will fill up or add depth to the message you are writing. Simply said images are the king of Twitter. Before posting any Images It’s advised that you first check out Twitter own guide how to successfully post not just Images on their platform but also GIFS!
The second Social Media secret weapon that you should use is Videos.
The video content is something that many marketers avoid and are afraid to use. Every day people on Youtube and Snapchat watch million upon million of videos generating views in the billions. The only thing that you wanna hear is “What is the engagement like?” Taken from the Twitter blog “An analysis of internal data found that native video on Twitter drives more overall engagement than third-party videos shared on Twitter: 2.5X replies, 2.8X Retweets and 1.9X Favorites.” If you are interested to read the whole blog post. Watch this guide made by Twitter on how to upload and watch videos on Twitter.
Never forget to read social media management tools on Flix Expo.