How to Start A Blog in 2022 : Step by Step Guide for Beginners
Are you searching for a useful guide about how to start a blog and become a successful blogger? Then Flix Expo is the right place for you to get thousands of guides like here I’ll show you. You picked a domain, web hosting, and a platform, so you finally have a blogging venture! Now what? The blogging chapter not closed!
While finding a place to blog is the first thing people should do, there are a bunch of other steps and things to consider if you really want to start blogging. Blogging is a complex and demanding field especially since it’s a side hustle or a job for making a living for many people. It’s suitable for everyone that has a talent for writing and talking to the wide audience through their words.
But not all people can excel at this. For this reason, in this guide, we’ll go over all the things you need to start blogging.
Reasons People Start Blogging
Before anything else, you get a chance to write on topics you like and share your opinions with the world. The more people discover your name and style of writing, the wider your network of online contacts will be. This network later on assists in attracting clients and possible customers if you decide to sell something.
Aside from business, though, blogging expands people’s knowledge in certain areas, allowing them to organize their thoughts and gain experience in their field. And self-improvement is always an attractive option for many online users. Learn how to start a business.
Wondering about how to start a Blog!!!
Blogging is considered as a blend of art and science. So, in order to become a successful blogger, you should master a set of skills and tactics.
Start a blog in eleven steps:
- Pick a Niche Domain Name
- Pick a faster web hosting
- Get start with WordPress
- Choosing a Design for your blog
- Most wanted WordPress Plugin
- Create necessary pages
- Write Quality Content
- Tools to Use
- Publish Your Posts Consistently
- Shape Your SEO Strategy
- Promote Your Blog
1) Pick a Niche Domain Name
It’s vital to decide which direction you like to take your blog to. To stand out on the Internet, people tend to enter niches they have a certain expertise or knowledge in. Only that way they can offer meaningful posts to the public and generate the desired traffic.
Add to this, content that’s targeted brings people that are truly interested in what you write to your blog. So, try to be more specific when choosing your field and evade generalizing. For instance, bloggers write for conversion rates instead of focusing just on email marketing as a broad term. So you should pick a niche domain name from a well-know domain register like Bluehost, Dreamhost, Hostgator, Google domains and much more.
If you confused about choosing a domain name you can get domain name suggestion using,, and etc.
2) Pick a faster web hosting
Search engine ranking is the most important factor is website loading speed, if your website server response time really low, users will be disappointed while visiting your website. In this case, get a faster web hosting for your domain to make your website loading speed higher better than anything. If you are wondering about choosing a reliable web hosting, so you can get an open suggestion from hosting advisor, I would like to suggest you choose Bluehost web hosting from my 10 years online journey, because of their price roughly cheap (mid level) & their server performance is really excellent. And you can use free SSL certificate if you own a Bluehost hosting. Using their hosting you can easily access your blog dashboard, cPanel and Emails from one control panel, take a look:
3) Get start with WordPress
WordPress is one of the top class free CMS (content management system) on the web and easy to use & flexible for creating fully functional blogs and mobile applications. According to a recent survey, WordPress used by 59.9% of all the websites and WordPress influence 29.1% of all websites on the web. The benefits of WordPress CMS really invincible better than other CMS:
- Changing your post/page permalinks
- Switch from HTTP to HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure)
- Can change your username “Admin” to something more
- Can create wider post/page
- Custom bullet point
- Based on custom menu bar with categories
- Can use multiple language
- Can create multi-site
- Can create sales page
- Can create eCommerce website
- Can create WooCommerce base website
- SEO friendly
- Desktop & Mobile responsive design
4) Choosing a Design for your blog
The most important part and search engine ranking factor is a blog/website design. In my experience I saw many website designs have huge inline CSS, Jquery & JavaScript error and their internal file size very big, for this reason their website loading speed and download time very lengthy. Your server performance ok! But it’s doesn’t matter if your website design is really negative. A website design should be:
- Mobile & desktop responsive
- User-friendly navigation
- Accessible and eye catching content
- Without inline error
- SEO friendly
There are huge responsive WordPress themes available on the web and you can get it completely free, if you have basic knowledge about HTML you can customize them easily what you want! Just type “responsive WordPress themes free” and search on Google, you will see thousands of excellent themes on your area. Otherwise you can find thousands of responsive themes on, which you can easily customize and navigate with your own hands for free. If you don’t find your prospective theme for free then you can find and get cheap prices themes from StudioPress, Mojo marketplace, CSSIgniter, Elegant Themes, Themify, Templatic, Themefuse, Themetrust and more.
5) Most wanted WordPress Plugin
Most of the internet users want to create eye catching blog/website, WordPress Plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that allow you to add external features to your WordPress blog. It written in the PHP programming language that you can make your blog looking more commercial. These are useful for a WordPress blog:
- Yoast SEO – it will assist you to check your content SEO score, creating sitemap, configure the category slug and optimize your content for both search engines. And help you to include your targeted keyword in your title, meta description, subheadings, body content and in URL
- Contact form 7 – this plugin will help you to create a responsive & custom contact form to your blog easily without any coding knowledge
- Social Warfare – Social Warfare helps you to increase your online presence by sharing your content on top social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Stumbleupon and much more
- KK Star Ratings – it will help you to receive reviews about your content through your blog traffic and the reviews will assist you to increase search engines ranking if you receive more positive reviews
- TablePress – TablePress is a free plugin that allow you to create tables on your blog without any HTML knowledge and you can import/export excel data easily, check out my written a article about guest blogging sites where I import a full excel file with raw data
- WP Smush – WP Smush is really helpful for reduce image size, improve your server performance and boost your SEO, it will assist you to compress your all small and big images automatically which you will set, it offered WPMU DEV company which you can use for free
- Elementor – If you are expert about operating WordPress and have basic knowledge about HTML you can create eye catching design on WordPress blog, like you can create sales page, about page, contact page, biography page and more. Just drag and drop any element on your webpage to create your own design, take a look one of my created page using elementor plugin
- All in One Webmaster – without accessing your hosting cPanel you can verify your Google and Bing webmaster, Alexa site submission using this plugin and it will help you to easily integrate about placing codes on header and footer
- Akismet Anti-Spam – it will help you to easily block spam comments and contact form messages from spammer
- W3 Total cache – W3 Total Cache help you to improves the user experience of your blog by improving your hosting server performance and reducing the download times by CDN (content delivery network) integration
- Wordfence Security – it’s a common thing that many online hackers want to hack profitable websites on the web, WordFence Firewall stops you from hacking and it’s a well-known security plugin that protect your blog without any coding knowledge, easy to install & use
- BackUpWordPress – it’s a complete WordPress backup plugin that allow you to backup your full blog content and store your backups on Google Drive, Dropbox, FTP, etc. And it allows you to create different schedules for backup your database and files
- MailChimp – MailChimp is a well-know marketing automation platform that can boost your traffic through your subscribers and from email marketing. And it will help you to increase your blog subscribers without any coding, easy to use a readymade platform
6) Create necessary pages
- About Us – if you create useful content on your blog its necessary about increase your blog traffic, but if your don’t have a own page about you so how your blog traffic know about you and your biography, it’s really necessary while your blog traffic talking about your content on other platform
- Terms of Service – the most important thing what is your service which you providing on your blog/website! If you include a page about terms of use on your blog so your blog reader will be known about you and they don’t require unnecessary service
- Privacy Policy – it will help you to provide online safety and privacy to your blog reader and consumers, so that they will feel safe if you provide service are against USA Law
- Comment policy – someone want to share their opinion on blog comment box naturally about the content if useful and some-others try to cheat & build their own site link by placing unnecessary comments, in this case you can create a strong comment policy page if you allow a comment box on your blog
- Contact – the most important part is Contact page of a blog or website, because of anybody can contact with you for service purpose and other things
7) Write Useful Content
Users like to read article that solve some issues that they have. So, make sure you publish content with tips and steps that actually give positive results. And to be able to do this, you should pick topics you know many things about.
Then, pay attention to your style. A lot of bloggers, especially new ones, mistake blogging for writing assignments and essays. They use a more formal tone with longer sentences and professional terms that aren’t very common. This is entirely wrong.
Blogging is all about getting your voice heard by everyone. So, you should let your original voice shine through your words by writing as you speak. Yes. Imagine that you’re talking to a friend while crafting your posts. This way, your readers will be able to connect with you and actually understand what you’re trying to tell them in your posts. And they’ll come in bigger numbers to read your useful advice.
Also, it’s a good idea to include a call-to-action (CTA). You can urge the readers to do something by the end of the posts like leave a comment, subscribe or share their experience so that you can increase the engagement and make your content more popular.
8) Tools to Use
The whole blogging experience is easier if you use tools. They are designed to help bloggers manage their platforms and subscribers, build email lists, do their research, promote their posts as well as make visuals to add to their text.
Some of the most helpful tools you can try are:
- BuzzSumo – It’s perfect for finding amazing trendy topics for your keywords. It displays some of the most viewed posts based on a keyword you enter. Thus, you can get inspired easily.
- Canva – For creating some super cool imagery including featured images, header images, and other visual content for your posts.
- Trello – Sometimes it can get too crowded, so Trello can help you be organized and know your stuff.
- MailChimp – The email marketing tool your blogging desperately needs. Check out top email marketing services for small business
- Google Analytics – If you want to see how your content performs, this is the place where you should go.
- Google Webmaster – Google Webmaster Tools is a really valuable for SEO, index content, international targeting, data highlighter, search analytics, index status, crawl stats and etc.
Read more if you looking for SEO Tools.
9) Shape Your SEO Strategy
The SEO strategy you come up with will strongly define the overall success of your blogging adventure. For those unfamiliar with the word, SEO (Search Engine Optimization, for short) represents all the techniques you implement to make your site feature on the first page on the search engines’ results pages.
Search engines, among which is Google, value your effort to become better and more exposed online. How can you do that?
Keywords, links, mobile optimization, and great content are just some of the areas you should work on.
Ensure that the targeted keywords are included several times on the whole blog. Put links, both links from your own web pages and some from other influential blogs in your field.
According to BrightEdge, mobile devices make 57% of the whole traffic that takes place online. So, you better improve the venture’s mobile-friendliness.
10) Publish Your Posts Consistently
The commitment to post fresh content regularly is vital. Many bloggers publish a post and then vanish for weeks. This provokes readers to abandon the blog and look for posts to read elsewhere.
To stop this from happening to you, you should make a calendar and schedule posts a few times a week. The more often people see new content, the more they’ll like to come to your blog.
11) Promote Your Blog
Among the countless ways of promoting your blogging venture, some of the most effective ones are opening social media profiles and guest blogging.
With the appearance of so many social media channels, you have the chance to communicate with fans and followers better. That way you directly engage with them and at the same time boost your traffic and exposure.
Guest blogging is when you write a post on someone else’s site. Kindly ask blogs which accept guest blogs and pitch your idea. You can only benefit from such collaboration!
In the bottom line
Have in mind that building a blog from scratch takes time and you should be very patient about it. Rushing things up can damage your blog’s progress and success and you don’t want that. So, take things slow and think through every step carefully. The tactics we discussed here will assist you with that. Aside from this, you should develop a real passion for blogging. If you do it because you love writing and sharing your thoughts with people, your hard work will eventually give fruit.
Welcome to share your opinion on the comment box about the guide, don’t try to lie, just put comments exactly it’s useful for you or not 🙂 Happy blogging!